🖥️PancakeSwap MEV Guard
Protect your trades with bloXroute <> PancakeSwap Private RPC!
Are you worried about your trades being frontrun by MEV bots onchain? Worry no more - use PancakeSwap’s MEV Guard to protect your trades.
Available on BNB Chain.
Enjoy safe, secure and private Swaps without frontrunning and sandwich attacks.
Fast and reliable RPC endpoint for your daily usage, beyond Swapping and trading.
Easy to set up and completely free solution for all kinds of Swappers.
How to use?
Visit https://pancakeswap.fiannce/mev to learn more.
Or use the following info to add to your wallet manually:
Network Name: PancakeSwap MEV Guard New
RPC URL: https://bscrpc.pancakeswap.finance
Chain ID: 56
Currency symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com
Last updated