Outras Pools de Syrup
Pools de Syrup: a maneira mais simples de ganhar na PancakeSwap

Fazer stake nas Pools de Syrup permite que você ganhe CAKE ou outros tokens enquanto dorme!
É mais simples do que fazer farms de rendimento na PancakeSwap porque, ao contrário dos farms, você só precisa fazer stake de um token para começar a ganhar: geralmente CAKE.
Introdução ao staking da Pool de Syrup
Vá para a página das Pools aqui.
2. Conecte-se à sua carteira compatível com BNB Smart Chain clicando no botão Conectar (canto superior direito).

3. Escolha sua carteira e conecte.
4. Escolha em qual Pool de Syrup você quer fazer stake.

IFO CAKE automatically compounds your rewards: any CAKE you earn will be harvested and re-invested in the same pool for you. You can also earn IFO Credit during the calculation period.
Auto CAKE automatically compounds your rewards: any CAKE you earn will be harvested and re-invested in the same pool for you.
Manual CAKE doesn’t automatically compound like Auto CAKE. You’ll need to harvest and compound your earnings manually.
Other Syrup Pools let you stake your CAKE to earn dozens of other cool tokens. Make sure you check them out.
5. Once you choose a pool, click the Enable button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.
6. The Enable button should now be replaced with Stake. Click the button to bring up the staking menu.
7. Type in an amount or slide the rabbit to choose how much CAKE you want to stake.
8. Click Confirm. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.
9. The Confirm button will change to "Confirming", then once the transaction is successful, you’ll see your staked amount change and the button will change again.
10. You should now be able to see details on your Syrup Pool. Auto CAKE will show a countdown until the unstaking fee ends. The other pools will show a Collect button to claim your staking rewards into your wallet.
You can easily add more CAKE to a Syrup Pool, or move some CAKE to a more profitable pool. Here’s how you can move your staked CAKE.
1. Click the - to take some CAKE out of a pool, or the + to add more to the pool.
Please note that unstaking from the Auto CAKE pool has a fee of 0.1% if you unstake within 72 hours.
2. A window will open. If you clicked the +, choose the amount you would like to add to the pool. If you clicked the -, choose the amount to take out of the pool.
4. After a little wait, you'll be able to see your new amount of staked tokens.
Last updated
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