PancakeSwap uses LayerZero OFT for Cross Chain CAKE Bridging
Contract info
CAKE Bridging Contract
Contract name: CakeProxyOFT Contract address: 0xb274202daBA6AE180c665B4fbE59857b7c3a8091
Example of CAKE bridging to Aptos
Name | Type | Description |
| address | From address. This should be the address calling the CakeProxyOFT |
| uint16 |
| bytes32 | The destination address on Aptos |
| uint256 | Amount of CAKE in WEI. Please note that amounts less than 1e-8 will get dusted |
| uint256 | Minimum receiving amount. We do not charge any fee in CAKE. But this should not be larger than |
| tuple | A set of call parameters used to define bridging behaviours. Continue reading for more detail. |
is a payable function. You will need to pay around 0.005-0.01 in BNB for destination airdrop gas fees. This value will vary based on the price of BNB/APT.
Please note that if you define extra gas being airdropped to your destination address, you will need to increase this number or tx will revert with not enough natives for fees
How to form `_callParams`
Name | Type | Description |
| address | Excess fee (BNB) will be returned to this address |
| address |
| bytes | A set of parameters to define destination gas airdropping. Continue reading for more detail. |
How to form `adapterParams`
Name | Type | Description |
| uint16 | Default is |
dstGasLimit | uint | Default is |
dstNativeGasTransferAmount | uint | Amount destination native gas token to airdrop. Use |
dstNativeGasTransferAddress | bytes | The destination address that receives native gas tokens on destination chain |
OtterSec's PancakeSwap CAKE OFT (Bridging) security audit
Last updated