

Contract info

Contract name: PancakeSwapLottery Contract address: 0x5aF6D33DE2ccEC94efb1bDF8f92Bd58085432d2c Random number generator address: 0x8c6375Aab6e5B26a30bF241EBBf29AD6e6c503c2 (Random number generator contract must be deployed first)

View PancakeSwapLottery.sol on BscScan.

View the PancakeSwap: Lottery contract on BscScan.


The PancakeSwap Lottery V2 has been audited twice so far. View the results below:

Peckshield's Lottery V2 Audit

Slowmist's Lottery V2 Audit

Lottery Status states

The lottery has four Status states, Pending, Open, Close, and Claimable, that determine which actions can and cannot be taken at a given time.

Read/View functions


function viewCurrentLotteryId() external view override returns (uint256);

Returns the Id# of the current Lottery round as an integer. Round Id#s correlate to round number, and are incremental, e.g. the ninth round of Lottery will be 9.


function viewLottery(uint256 _lotteryId) external view returns (Lottery memory);

Returns information on specified Lottery round as tuple (see Lottery structure below).

        uint256 startTime;
        uint256 endTime;
        uint256 priceTicketInCake;
        uint256 discountDivisor;
        uint256[6] rewardsBreakdown; // 0: 1 matching number // 5: 6 matching numbers
        uint256 treasuryFee; // 500: 5% // 200: 2% // 50: 0.5%
        uint256[6] cakePerBracket;
        uint256[6] countWinnersPerBracket;
        uint256 firstTicketId;
        uint256 firstTicketIdNextLottery;
        uint256 amountCollectedInCake;
        uint32 finalNumber;


function viewNumbersAndStatusesForTicketIds(uint256[] calldata _ticketIds)
    returns (uint32[] memory, bool[] memory);

Returns the corresponding numbers and the statuses of ticketIds array of tickets defined by their ticketId.


function viewRewardsForTicketId(
    uint256 _lotteryId,
    uint256 _ticketId,
    uint32 _bracket;

Calculates rewards for a ticket after draw given the lotteryId, ticketId, and bracket. Filling and querying will provide a link to detailed price information on BscScan.


    function viewUserInfoForLottery(
        address _user,
        uint256 _lotteryId,
        uint256 _cursor,
        uint256 _size
        returns (
            uint256[] memory,
            uint32[] memory,
            bool[] memory,

Returns user lotteryTicketIds, ticketNumbers, and ticketStatuses of a user for a given Lottery (defined by lotteryID).


    function _calculateRewardsForTicketId(
        uint256 _lotteryId,
        uint256 _ticketId,
        uint32 _bracket
    ) internal view returns (uint256);

Calculates rewards for a ticket after draw given the lotteryId, ticketId, and bracket.

Last updated