Trading Reward FAQ
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Trading Reward FAQ
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[Archived] Trading Reward – As of 23rd August 2024
Volume numbers take time to update and are subject to SubGraph delays. Please check back in a later time
Your trade must be routed through the exact trading pair being highlighted on the Trading Reward page, including the fee tier. Check out this tutorial for how to view your trading routes
Only V3 trading pairs are eligible for this program
Please use the same wallet address eligible for the trading reward program on both Ethereum and BNB Chain
If your trading volume within a pair is too small, you may not be eligible to claim any rewards
Using third-party trading aggregators may result in trades being routed through other liquidity providers and not being tracked
The amount of the trading reward is based on the trading fee paid in those trades.
If your trades are routed through pairs with a low fee tier, for example, 0.01%, you are paying a very small fee for your trade. Therefore the number of rewards will become lower accordingly.
No, you only need to be ranked higher than the required ranking at the end of the campaign. But it is recommended to rank higher and maintain the rank. And make sure to check back often to ensure you are not falling out of the required ranking.
The ranking is based on the number of rewards each user accumulates by trading. The reward amount equals a fixed % of the trading they pay in the trades.
Each campaign has its own eligibility requirements, like the minimum threshold for veCAKE amount at snapshot time.
Also, snapshot time is set to be each campaign's end time. With veCAKE decreasing with time, your veCAKE balance may drop below threshold for future campaigns.
You may need to increase your veCAKE. Simply follow the instructions on the page.
The amount of veCAKE at snapshot time will determine the maximum amount of rewards you can earn from the campaign. Check out the footnote from the “Max Reward Cap” section.
While a campaign is active, you can increase your veCAKE and raise this cap at any time.
veCAKE is gradually decreasing with time as the remaining lock time decreases. Therefore, similar to IFO iCAKE, a snapshot veCAKE balance - the veCAKE balance at a specific time, which is static, is better suited to be utilised as a qualification metric.
In Trading Reward, snapshot time refers to the end of each campaign. Therefore, your “veCAKE balance at snapshot time” means “your veCAKE balance at the campaign end time”.
Your number of veCAKE balance at snapshot time is higher than the required threshold
The maximum amount of rewards you can earn is linked to y % of your veCAKE balance at snapshot time
For example:
Alice locked 300 CAKE for 2 years (104 weeks) on day 1. On day 1, Alice will have a veCAKE balance of 300 * 104 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 126403199 ~= 149
A trading reward campaign is launched on day 1, with a threshold veCAKE of 100, and a 1% reward cap. The campaign is ending in 30 days.
After 30 days, Alice’s position will have a remaining lock time of roughly 99.71 weeks, therefore a veCAKE balance of 300 * 99.71 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 / 126403199 ~= 143
Therefore, for this campaign, Alice will have 143
veCAKE at snapshot time.
143 is larger than 100 so Alice is eligible for the campaign, she may start trading eligible pairs to earn trading rewards.
With 1% reward cap, the maximum amount of CAKE Alice may earn from this campaign is 143 * 1% = 1.43
Alice may increase her veCAKE any time before the campaign ends, either by locking more CAKE, or extending her position.
You may check on the Trading Reward page.
The page will alert you when your veCAKE at snapshot time is lower than the threshold or your rewards are currently being capped by it.
In those cases, you may click the “Increase veCAKE” button to increase your veCAKE without leaving the page.
Yes, you may increase your veCAKE any time before the campaign ends. Your “veCAKE at snapshot time” will get updated accordingly.