
PancakeSwap Prediction is a fun and simple decentralized prediction market.

Predict whether BNB's price will rise or fall – guess correctly to win!

It's easy to take part:

  • Predict if the price of BNBUSD will be higher or lower than it was when the “LIVE” phase starts.

  • If you enter an “UP” position, and the BNBUSD “Closed Price” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 5 minute LIVE phase, you WIN! And if it’s lower, you lose.

  • If you enter a “DOWN” position, and the BNBUSD “Closed Price” is higher than the “Locked Price” at the end of the 5 minute LIVE phase, you LOSE! If it’s lower, you win.

Have fun!

View V1 smart contract (deprecated)

View V2 smart contract****

PancakeSwap Prediction Guides

Get started with Prediction with our guides and FAQs.

How to Use PredictionPrediction FAQ

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