Degen Mode Dynamic Fee
PancakeSwap Perpetuals Degen Mode uses a dynamic fee model. This fee is designed to charge fees by PnL and protect users from losses. How does it work?
Pnl is the profit or loss on the position
shareRate is the share rate, which is the percentage of the notional that is paid in fees (15% as default)
Notional is the amount of money that is used to open the position
closeMinRate is the minimum closing fee rate, which is the lowest amount that you can pay to close a position (0.03% as default)
If you have a position with a profit of $100, a share rate of 15%, and a notional of $600, then the closing fee rate would be:
Closing fee rate = Max(100 * 15% / 600, 0.03%) = 0.03%
In this case, the closing fee rate would be 0.03%, the minimum closing fee rate.
The execution fee will only be charged when a position is opened. It is set at 0.3 USD (BNB Chain)/ 0.2 USD (Arbitrum)/ 0.01 USD (opBNB)/ 0.3 USD (Base), similar to what is being charged when trading classic perpetual trading pairs. There is no opening position fee.
In the event of liquidation, the 90% liquid lost rate includes close fee.
Last updated
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